Thursday, November 29, 2012

Your 12 hourly digest for Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post

Opinions: Washington Post Opinion, Editorial, Op Ed, Politics Editorials - The Washington Post
The Washington Post Opinions section features opinion articles,newspaper editorials and letters to the editor on the issues of the day. Offerings include the Post Partisan blog by Washington Post opinion writers, as well as political cartoons and political cartoon animations by editorial cartoonists Tom Toles and Ann Telnaes.
Editorial Board: A much-needed Medicaid reform
Nov 30th 2012, 01:13

MEDICAID HAS GROWN dramatically since its inception in 1965. It now accounts for 8.5 percent of all federal spending, and just under a quarter of all state spending. Between 1970 and 2010, the program quintupled from half a percent of gross domestic product to 2.7 percent. Federal forecasters expect Medicaid to reach 3.7 percent of GDP by 2020 — due in large part to increased enrollment under health-care reform. Any serious plan to reduce the federal debt has to deal with spending, and, given the foregoing numbers, any serious plan to deal with spending has to address Medicaid. The question is how.

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Editorial Board: Balancing U.S. secrets with the public's right to know
Nov 30th 2012, 01:12

THE SENATE procedure that allows a single member to put a "hold" on legislation is not something we generally applaud. But Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) has used this crude method to block the intelligence reauthorization bill for good reasons, ones that go to the heart of our democracy. The bill contains draconian and counterproductive measures to prevent the leak of government secrets.

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Editorial Board: Exoneration but no justice for wrongly imprisoned man in Va.
Nov 30th 2012, 01:09

ONCE THE PAPERWORK reached his desk, Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell (R) needed just one day to grant a conditional pardon to Johnathan Montgomery, the young man who served four years of a seven-year sentence for a "crime" apparently invented from whole cloth by his accuser. Mr. Montgomery, 26, was released Nov. 20, just in time for Thanksgiving, after receiving a phone call from the governor himself; his accuser, who recanted her claims, has been charged with perjury.

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Susan Rice and double standards
Nov 30th 2012, 00:59

Does gender — or the supercharged combination of gender and race — play a role in the preemptive strikes on not-yet-secretary of state nominee Susan Rice?

For perspective on this complex question, it helps to return to 1974 and the nomination of another woman, Alice Rivlin, to head the Congressional Budget Office.

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Cliff-jumping with Barack
Nov 30th 2012, 00:58

Why are Republicans playing the Democrats' game that the "fiscal cliff" is all about taxation?

House Speaker John Boehner already made the preemptive concession of agreeing to raise revenue. But the insistence on doing so by eliminating deductions without raising marginal rates is now the subject of fierce Republican infighting.

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Is this the planet we want to leave behind?
Nov 30th 2012, 00:54

You might not have noticed that another round of U.N. climate talks is under way, this time in Doha, Qatar. You also might not have noticed that we're barreling toward a "world . . . of unprecedented heat waves, severe drought, and major floods in many regions." Here in Washington, we're too busy to pay attention to such trifles.

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Austerity and morality
Nov 30th 2012, 00:24

America is entering a period of prolonged austerity. The entitlement commitments made by past generations have been rendered untenable by demographics and health cost inflation. The problem is no one's particular fault, but it is very, very large. Failing to get our borrowing under control would deny our children the lives we have had in this country.

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How U.S. can deepen ties in the Americas
Nov 30th 2012, 00:23

On Saturday, Mexico will inaugurate a new president, Enrique Peña Nieto, just as President Obama is setting course for his second term. Obama's administration is focused on more distant lands — rebalancing toward Asia and struggling with turmoil in the Middle East. Yet this week's meeting of the two men highlights an opportunity for the United States to strengthen its continental base and leverage the dynamism of the Western Hemisphere as part of a global strategy.

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Pro-choice Republicans go public
Nov 30th 2012, 00:21

I am a pro-choice Republican. We are not an endangered species. Since the Republican Party declared itself pro-life, most of us have been in the closet.

I appreciate that both viewpoints are sincerely held: Pro-choicers believe that the government should not intrude in such a private decision; pro-lifers believe that life begins at conception. I have supported each.

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'Portrait of a Novel' looks at Henry James and the bridge to modernism
Nov 29th 2012, 22:53

Henry James was in his late 30s when he published his first uncontested masterpiece, "The Portrait of a Lady" (1880-81), which elevated him from a talented up-and-comer to a major novelist. It is the story of an intelligent, independent young woman named Isabel Archer who is taken from America to England and allowed to make something of herself, but who "affronts" her destiny (as James worded it) by making a bad marriage. When James revised the novel for the collected New York Edition of 1908, he wrote a preface to account for its origins and aims, concluding after a dozen pages with the admission, "There is really too much to say."

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Removing barriers to the disabled
Nov 29th 2012, 22:45

As the mother of two children who were born with a genetic mutation that has left them legally blind, I believe this nation has already benefited from the human rights treaty, which, as Dana Milbank wrote ["Santorum's disabled argument," Nov. 27] "forbids discrimination against people with AIDS, who are blind, who use wheelchairs and the like" and "has been ratified by 126 nations, including China."

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Worked on Thanksgiving? Tough turkey
Nov 29th 2012, 22:45

Regarding the Nov. 23 front-page article "Turkey takes a back seat to bargains as retailers open earlier than ever":

I find it difficult to feel sorry for the retail employees who think their Thanksgiving has been taken from them because they have to work on the holiday. I work in a hotel, and we never close. And of the countless other employees who don't necessarily get holidays off, police and firefighters come first to mind.

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Catholic Church sticking to the high moral ground
Nov 29th 2012, 22:45

E.J. Dionne Jr. ["An example for the bishops," op-ed, Nov. 26] was correct in holding up the example of the Catholic Church's rich heritage in aiding those in need. The church was at the forefront of the university movement and has been at the fore in medical care and orphanages, etc. For example, about one-sixth of all hospital admissions each year in the United States are to Catholic hospitals.

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Israel isn't the obstacle to Middle East peace
Nov 29th 2012, 22:45

In his Nov. 22 op-ed column, "Why Israel reigns supreme," Fareed Zakaria accurately set forth the "realities" of the Middle East: namely, "Israel's astonishing economic growth, its technological prowess, its military preparedness and its tight relationship with the United States have set it a league apart from its Arab adversaries." Yet in the next sentence, Mr. Zakaria repeated the oft-stated canard that "[p]eace between the Palestinians will come only when Israel decides that it wants to make peace."

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Don't make parents pay when schoolkids play hooky
Nov 29th 2012, 22:45

Regarding Colbert I. King's Nov. 24 op-ed column, "We're failing D.C.'s youth":

Children may miss school if they are hungry or don't have warm clothes to wear — issues that wouldn't be helped by Mr. King's proposals of parental fines and incarceration for habitual truancy. Such actions would only diminish a family's future. And youths who are "grade levels behind" may see only humiliation and frustration in attending school, rather than hope and opportunity.

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Congo urgently needs U.S. help
Nov 29th 2012, 21:48

Last week, a heavily armed rebel militia, M23, took control of the eastern Congolese city of Goma, the economic center and capital of the country's North Kivu province. Unfortunately, to those of us who work in eastern Congo, the only surprise in this turn of events was how little attention it received.

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Sargent: Does Nancy Pelosi have any leverage in fiscal cliff talks?
Nov 29th 2012, 20:51

With John Boehner continuing to (publicly) rule out a hike in tax rates for the rich, Nancy Pelosi fired back today by drawing her own hard lines. She told reporters that another round of big spending cuts is unacceptable, and in an interview with NPR, she rebuffed the idea of raising the Medicare eligibility age.

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Jennifer Rubin: Jeff Zucker named CNN president
Nov 29th 2012, 19:45

CNN announced its search is over: "Veteran news producer and former NBC Universal chief Jeff Zucker will become the president of CNN Worldwide in January. . . His first challenge is likely to be turning around CNN/US television ratings, which have been declining in recent years. Zucker, who had most recently produced Katie Couric's new daytime talk show, had been widely rumored to be in line for the position. It's been that kind of whirlwind life for Zucker, who has had a rocket-like rise in the news and entertainment business."

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Jennifer Rubin: Ten sure bets
Nov 29th 2012, 19:00

We don't yet know whether there will be a grand bargain to avoid tumbling over the fiscal cliff. We don't know if we will head into another recession. However, if you are a betting person, I would wager the following will occur:

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Greg Sargent: Forever moving the goal posts on spending cuts
Nov 29th 2012, 18:25

John Boehner shook things up today when he told reporters at a press conference that the fiscal talks are in trouble. He said (emphasis mine):

"Based on where we stand today, I would say two things. First, despite the claims that the president supports a balanced approach, the Democrats have yet to get serious about real spending cuts. And secondly, no substantive progress has been made in the talks between the White House and the House over the last two weeks."
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Jennifer Rubin: Will Obama tap Chuck Hagel for the Cabinet?
Nov 29th 2012, 17:50

It may be that U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice is not the worst nominee President Obama is considering for a senior Cabinet slot. The Cable reports that former senator Chuck Hagel is being vetted for a top national security spot. If so, it's a bizarre and politically dense move.

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Greg Sargent: Inside the 'fiscal cliff' haggling over Medicare
Nov 29th 2012, 16:34

Some more quick notes about that big Politico piece on what's going on in the fiscal cliff talks. The piece makes two points about the haggling over Medicare's future that are worth addressing. First, it says in passing that Dem aides say raising the Medicare eligiblity age is on the table. If true, that would be a nonstarter for the left.

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Jennifer Rubin: Is Susan Rice toast?
Nov 29th 2012, 16:10

First was the story in Mother Jones dinging U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice for her potential conflict of interest on the Keystone XL pipeline. Then this from the New York Times, the New York-based communications arm of the White House, via Andrew Rosenthal:

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Jennifer Rubin: Throw them out again and again?
Nov 29th 2012, 14:45

Peter Wehner, in discussing the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, writes:

My own view is that one should take public officials in the totality of their acts and that reneging on an unwise commitment isn't by itself disqualifying. For example, if Ronald Reagan had signed the "Taxpayer Protection Pledge" (he didn't) and raised taxes during his presidency (he did), I don't believe it would have warranted a primary challenge. And whatever one thinks of Reagan's decisions to raise taxes—and he regretted some more than others—he remains a monumental conservative figure.
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Greg Sargent: The Morning Plum: GOP will buckle on high end tax rates
Nov 29th 2012, 14:06

The papers this morning are filled with gloomy assessments of the fiscal talks — see the Post's overview — with predictions mounting that we are going to go over the cliff. A lot of noise has been kicked up by all the finger-pointing, so let me summarize the situation in two sentences:

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